Share your message … – Julian Summerhayes

[I]f you have a passion for your practice area.

The blog was your primary engine of engagement, but now at look at the landscape:

6) Slideshare; and

Is your website a help or hindrance?

It certainly shouldn’t get in the way of developing your practice area, reaching out and earning attention.

Next time someone utters the words “Social Media” don’t automatically assume that means the old favourites. It doesn’t. You content is just as if not more important that where it is deposited. Of course, the numbers are sizeable on Facebook but that doesn’t mean you will have any greater chance of raising your profile, developing your brand and leveraging your intellectual capital. You can’t rely on surfing all the time to be found. People have to know you and know of you (for what you do and stand for) before they will seek you out or be drawn to you.

Iteration is always a helpful modus operandi, but so is the philosophy that says you spend time building a loyal Tribe.

If you believe in what you are doing then you will be gasping to help others. Fine, but focus hard on the one thing that will stake your position.

Next time you have something meaningful to say don’t wait for the bridge to be built. Go and grab your own. The polishing of the site can be worked on afterwards.

Going forward each social media platform will continue to develop its own ecosystem and the website in some quarters may become a thing of the past. Don’t wait for that to happen.

Find your voice.

And don’t get too hung up on the numbers in the early days.