Why I can’t stop blogging – Julian Summerhayes

“Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread its roots into the very depth of your heart; confess to yourself you would have to die if you were forbidden to write.”
― Rainer Maria Rilke

It would be easy to stop blogging.

Hell, in many ways, it would be a relief.

But I can’t.

Don’t ask me why, but I feel the draw of writing (blogging) every day; and that’s saying something given my work involves and revolves around words, writing and the interpretation thereof.

In truth, it goes much deeper than the emotional connection. It’s positively spiritual; and if that sounds OTT then I’m sorry but I don’t know how else to express the desire to write my truth.

Right now, I’m conscious that I need to write on a few more issues than those I’ve been apt to describe over the last 18 months. In particular, even though I don’t think I’ve got much to say in redefining a more beautiful link between our work – i.e. the paid variety – and our lives, nevertheless, from my vantage point of having, inter alia, mixed things up (and some), I still feel the need to share my experience of what every leader/manager should aim for if they want to get the very best out of their people. And then there’s the money, and simplicity and parenting. Actually, there are probably very few things I couldn’t write about – such is my interest in life – but I know that I need to stay focused on those things that speak loudest to my heart.

As a slight segue, it still amazes me why so few people blog, particularly those who appear to have a deep, well-founded interest in a topic that, if more widely shared and discussed, might change the world (even in a small way) for the better. I suppose the point I’m making is that we shouldn’t be put off by (a) the technology, (b) the time commitment or (c) the risk of upsetting a few people who may not get our (or any!) point of view. If you’re tempted to start a blog, never be afraid to reach out to a blogger you admire. If my experience is anything to go by, they’ll be only too pleased to help you.

At the moment I don’t have as much time as before to blog or share newsworthy material on social media. For a start, I’ve got a full-time job but I’m also conscious that if I spend too much time online, then I’m apt to miss what’s really going on, in life. I know I’ve made various proclamations about how frequently I should blog and the best or most appropriate platform to share my writing, but to date I’ve not stuck to the script. The idea, in case you need reminding, was to blog once a week (most likely on a Monday), to write a poem on Tumblr on a Saturday and to write and share to Patreon as often as time permitted. That’s not quite how it’s worked out but, thankfully, I’m still sharing when able. I do though need to go much deeper with my blogging, particularly as regards my reading and research around a particular issue.

One thing I’m still not great at is spending enough time proofreading my material. I do reread it but I’ve noticed of late that I’ve allowed too many typos to creep in. Going forward, I can’t guarantee I’ll eliminate all of them but I will make it my business to craft as much as I can in draft and give myself the space to re-re-read what I’ve written. I must also remember to consider the seminal question that I keep front of mind when blogging:

“What is this about?”

I first read this in “Do The Work” by Steven Pressfield and it’s a wonderful aide memoir particularly when I’m trying to juggle a number of themes.

One final thing. I’ve considered publishing another book of my posts and poems but the truth is I don’t have the time either to curate the material or publish it. Perhaps one day I might get the chance to put things in one place but, for now, I’m going to have to make do with links and shares where appropriate.

Anyhow, have a fantastic week.

Blessings and big love.