What’s missing? – Julian Summerhayes

It’s the only question that keeps me awake.

What’s missing that is:

> and people need?

And this question doesn’t just apply to the marketplace. It impacts greatly on the dearth of leadership within organisations.

The driver for my business is not ‘How big can I scale this sucker’ (yes I have read and listened to Thinking Big by David J Schwartz) but building something that is sustainable, over the long haul, that people are willing to pay for.

I have read a slew of business books. Most of them are based on a personal philosophy. But it’s hard to downsize an idea from Uber Plc to solopreneur. In any event what interests me is helping as many people as possible to reach their full potential, and in turn making something of lasting value.

What’s missing exposes the opportunity all around us. Even in the most hyper-competitive of business, there is always something missing.

It’s not just about finding a small gap.

It’s about finding a space that you can inhabit to the exclusion of all others based on your passion, commitment, faith, determination and zeal for the climb.

Stop and focus.

Consider what you don’t know but can learn. It’s the opportunity that is important.

When you’re next asked to do the proverbial SWOT analysis, ask instead ‘What’s missing?’ This will keep you much more focused than trying to understand what your competitors are doing that you can copy.

Working with me

I am available for speaking, consulting and one on one coaching. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] or contact me on 075888 15384.

You can follow me on Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn,  Tumblr or Flavors.me

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