What’s stopping you? – Julian Summerhayes

From letting go?

From reaching your potential?

From doing something different?

From being honest with yourself?

From expressing your feelings?

From slowing down?

From enjoying the moment?

From seeking fulfilment in ownership?

From doing something for yourself?

From being selfish in pursuit of a worthwhile endeavour?

From getting off of the career ladder when you are not sure it is leaning against the right wall?

If I look back a few years, I had a few drivers, but, in truth, most of those were modelled on what others expected. There were moments where I took stock, but I drove myself on in pursuit of more.

But more of what?

But if you asked me if I was me, I would most likely wince, come up with some glib, stock-in-trade response, but in truth I was peddling a life that wasn’t ever likely to fulfil my potential.

We all like to feel we are pursuing a worthwhile aim, but, whatever that is premised on, each day should be a day built on the ideal of doing something remarkable with our life. That doesn’t mean giving up on one thing only to start something else (grass greener and all that …), but every day should be a day committed to fulfilling your amazing, awesome potential.

Work can be great if we want it to be.

We don’t just have to do anything.

What if, every day, we challenged ourself to be the best, most remarkable version of ourself, then, perhaps, even in the mundane we could find a sense of satisfaction.

It might have been written more than a 100 years ago but when Napoleon Hill wrote in Think and Grow Rich 

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive he can achieve”

he wasn’t just saying it because it sounded convincing. He based it on his observations of people who had lifted themselves out of obscurity and made something of their life.

You don’t need to give yourself permission to want something better. Make a plan to go for it and do something every day to get closer to it. And be warm, kind and purposeful as you go about your daily living.

If life truly is what we make it, then what are you waiting for?

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